Apr 02, 2021
Dry Weather Worries Safrinha Corn Producers in Goias
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
After excessive rains delayed the soybean harvest and the planting of the safrinha corn, the weather in the central Brazilian state of Goias has turned markedly dryer. The southern part of the state where most of the safrinha corn is grown, has not received rain for about two weeks and there is limited rainfall in the forecast.
Dryer weather this time of the year is typical in central Brazil. What is not typical is how late the safrinha corn has been planted. According to the President of the Soybean & Corn Producers Association of Goias (Aprosoja-GO), more than 50% of the safrinha corn in Goias was planted during the month of March, when normally the safrinha corn planting generally finishes by about the end of February.
Some farmers are still trying to finish planting their safrinha corn and if any of the corn needs to be replanted due to poor emergence, there may not be enough soil moisture for germination.
The forecast is calling for a gradual return of limited rainfall in central Brazil starting next week, but rains at this time of the year are generally in the form of isolated and scattered brief downpours, not the generalized widespread rains typical of the summer rainy season in central Brazil.
Farmers are very concerned that a lack of soil moisture could impeded the early crop growth, delaying the development of the corn even more. The biggest threat to the corn is the possibility that the soil moisture will be exhausted long before the crop matures due to the onset of the annual dry season.
Domestic corn prices are already at historic high levels due to strong international prices, tight domestic supplies, a strong demand from the livestock sector in Brazil, and the concern that the safrinha crop may be disappointing due to very late planting.