Apr 13, 2021
Brazil 2020/21 Soybeans 85% Harvested vs. 84% Average
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The Brazilian soybeans were 85% harvested late last week compared to 89% last year and 84% average according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 7% for the week. The two areas left to harvest are far southern Brazil and in northeastern Brazil.
Mato Grosso Soybeans - The soybeans in Mato Grosso were 99.9% harvested last week according to the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea). After a very slow start to the harvest, the last 10-15% of the crop was harvested about on time. The 2020/21 harvest was completed about 3-4 weeks later than last year.
Parana Soybeans - The soybean harvest in Parana was 95% complete earlier last week, and with the current dry weather across southern Brazil, the soybean harvest should be completed this week.
Rio Grande do Sul Soybeans - The soybean yields in Rio Grande do Sul are going to be good, but maybe not quite as good as farmers had hoped. Dry conditions early in the growing season delayed the planting and diseases such as white mold and soybean rust may have trimmed some of the yields of the later maturing soybeans.
Santa Catarina Soybeans - Farmers in Santa Catarina have harvest approximately 50% of their soybeans with the latest yields being disappointing. The growing season started off dryer than normal, but good rains during January helped the earlier planted soybeans. The weather was dryer than normal during February and March, which hurt the later planted soybeans. White mold and soybean rust also hurt the yields of the later developing soybeans.