Jun 25, 2024

2024 U.S. Corn to Reach 50% Pollination on July 17th

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The 2024 U.S. corn crop is expected to reach 50% pollination on July 17th, 2 days earlier than the 5-year average and on par with last year according to Maxar Weather. The slightly early pollination is due to hotter-than-normal temperatures leading to above normal growing degree day accumulation. Pollination has already surpassed 50% in the southern states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas.

In the Midwest, pollination will start within the next few weeks. In Missouri, 50% pollination should occur on 7-July (12-July average), Illinois 12-July (16-July average), Indiana 17-July (20-July average), Iowa 17-July (18-July average), National 17-July (19-July average), Ohio 19-July (25-July average), Nebraska 20-July (19-July average), Minnesota 20-July (19-July average), South Dakota 22-July (24-July average), and North Dakota 26-July (27-July average).

Pollination is the most important time for corn and excessive heat or moisture stress can negatively impact pollination. Any stress prior to pollination can also be important because that is when the plant determines the potential size of the ear. If the corn plant is under stress prior to pollination, it will set a smaller-than-normal ear and once the size of the ear is set, it cannot change.

Potential problems for corn do not end with pollination. If the corn plant undergos moisture and/or heat stress after pollination, can result in kernel abortion (tip back), small kernel size, and lighter-than-normal kernels.