Aug 13, 2024

2024 U.S. Corn Unchanged 67% Gd/Ex, Soy Unchanged 68% Gd/Ex

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Corn - The condition of the 2024 U.S. corn crop was unchanged at 67% rated good/excellent. Seven states indicated that the corn condition improved last week, 10 states indicated that the corn condition declined last week, and 1 was unchanged. Most of the improvements were found in the northern areas while most of the declines were found in the central and southern areas. The top five rated corn states are: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota. The five lowest rated corn states are: North Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Tennessee.

Conditions have been good for pollination which is now 94% complete. Most of the Corn Belt will receive rain this week and temperatures will be cool, which is beneficial for kernel fill.

Soybeans - The condition of the 2024 U.S. soybean crop was unchanged 68% rated good/excellent. Seven states indicated that the soybean condition improved last week and 11 states indicated that the soybean condition declined last week. Most of the improvements were found in the western and northern areas while most of the declines were found in the central and eastern areas The top five rated soybean states are: Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, and a tie between Illinois and Nebraska. The five lowest rated soybean states are: North Carolina, Kansas, North Dakota, Tennessee, and Michigan.

August is the most important month for soybeans and the weather thus far during the month has been beneficial. If the rain forecast for this week verifies, the soybean crop should continue developing normally.

Soil Moisture - The nation's topsoil moisture declined last week with 5 states indicating improved soil moisture and 13 states indicating lower soil moisture. Most of the improvements were found in the western and eastern areas while most of the declines were found in the central and southern areas. The five states with the highest soil moisture are: North Carolina, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, and a tie between Illinois and Kentucky. The five states with the lowest soil moisture are: Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Nebraska.

Hurricane Debby drenched the southeastern states and the East Coast last week. Meanwhile, most of the rainfall last week was across the northern tier of states while the southern Midwest and the Delta stayed mostly dry. Recent temperatures have been below normal across the central Midwest which favors corn development. Rain is expected to be widespread across the Corn Belt this week which should improve soil moisture and favor corn and soybean development.