Jul 30, 2020

Brazilian Soybean Acreage could Increase 4.2% in 2020/21

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Brazilian farmers will start planting their 2020/21 soybeans in mid-September if the conditions are favorable, so it's time to take a first look at the potential 2020/21 soybean acreage. These are my initial estimates and they could easily change before the planting is complete.

2020/21 Brazil Soybean Acreage up 4.2% - Brazilian soybean farmers are coming off a very good year in 2019/20 that left them well capitalized and anxious to invest their record profits in their 2020/21 soybean crop.

The 2020/21 Brazil soybean acreage is estimated at 38.5 million hectares (95.09 million acres), which would represent an increase of 1.56 million hectares (3.85 million acres) or 4.2% compared to Conab's estimate of 36.94 million hectares (91.2 million acres) for the 2019/20 crop.

The 2020/19 Brazilian soybean production is estimated at 131.0 million tons, which would represent an increase of about 10 million tons or 8.3% compared to Conab's estimate of 120.8 million tons for the 2019/20 crop.

Factors that could influence the soybean expansion in Brazil include:

Factors that could limit the soybean expansion in Brazil include:

Soybean Planting Sequence in Brazil.