Aug 22, 2019

Mato Grosso by far Largest Grain & Fiber Producing State in Brazil

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The state of Mato Grosso is far in the lead in Brazilian grain and fiber production according to the latest estimates from Conab. In their August Crop Report, Conab estimated Mato Grosso's grain production at 67.3 million tons with the state of Parana in second position at 37.0 million tons. Mato Grosso currently accounts for 28% of Brazil's total grain production.

Mato Grosso is number one in soybean production at 32.4 million tons or 28.2% of Brazil's production. It is number one in corn production at 31.4 million tons or 31.6% of the total and it is number one in cotton production at 4.4 million tons or 66% of Brazil's total.

Mato Grosso is part of the center-west region of Brazil that also includes the states of Goias and Mato Grosso do Sul. The center-west region accounts for 61% of Brazil's soybean production and 60% of Brazil's corn production.

More than 99% of the corn produced in Mato Grosso is safrinha corn planted after the first crop of soybeans are harvested. Approximately 43% of Mato Grosso's corn production is in the mid-north region composed of 16 municipalities. The largest producing municipalities include Sorriso, Nova Mutum, and Lucas do Rio Verde. These municipalities are also where most of the new corn-based ethanol facilities are being located. The second largest corn producing region is southeastern Mato Grosso, which is composed of 32 municipalities where 18% of Mato Grosso's corn is produced.