Aug 06, 2021
Another Corn Ethanol Facility Announced for Brazil
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Construction of another corn ethanol facility in Brazil was announced earlier this week by the American technology company ICM and the Brazilian firm Neomille. ICM is headquartered in Colwich, Kansas with a regional office in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Neomille is a subsidiary of Cerradinho Bioenergia located in Sao Paulo.
The facility will be located on 115 hectares (284 acres) in the city of Maracaju in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The municipality of Maracaju is the largest corn producing municipality in the state with most of the corn destined for export. The total investment is estimated at R$ 1 billion (approximately $196 million).
This facility will have the capacity to process 1.1 million tons of corn per year producing 500 million liters of ethanol, 23 million liters of corn oil, 390,000 tons of DDG's (dry distillers' grain), and electricity. With new technology applications, the facility is not expected to produce any residues. The DDG's will be utilized for animal rations in the local area. Construction is scheduled to start the first semester of 2022 and the facility is expected to be operational the second semester of 2023.
ICM will supply technology, engineering, and equipment. The company was founded in 1995 and it has furnished processing technology for more than 100 facilities worldwide producing more than 33 billion liters of ethanol annually utilizing 25 million tons of grain.
Cerradinho Bioenergia has more than 40 years of experience in sugarcane processing, energy generation and logistics. Neomille had earlier announced the construction of an additional corn ethanol facility in the city of Chapadao do Ceu, Goias.