Oct 14, 2020

Argentina Corn 21% Planted, 5% Slower than Average

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The soil moisture continues to be short in the central and northern provinces, but there is adequate soil moisture in the more southern areas such as Buenos Aires and La Pampa. The forecast for this week is calling for improved chances of rain in northern Argentina, but probably not enough to break the ongoing droughty conditions.

The corn in Argentina was 20.8% planted late last week compared to 24.0% last year and 26.6% average. This represents an advance of 5.4% for the week. The corn is rated 11% poor to very poor, 57% fair, and 32% good to excellent. The good to excellent category is down 9% compared to the previous week. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 20% short to very short and 80% favorable. The favorable soil moisture is down 5% from the previous week.

Corn is planted in two phases in Argentina and the early phase is 41.4% planted compared to 39.0% last year and 52.6% average. Farmers in Argentina would like to have their phase one corn planted by the end of October. In the northern core and southern core areas, farmers have planted 65% to 75% of their intended corn acreage. In southern Argentina, 0% to 25% of the corn has been planted and there has not been any corn planted in far northern Argentina.