Nov 20, 2019
2019/20 Argentina Soybeans 20% Planted, Corn 45% Planted
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Argentina Soybeans - The 2019/20 Argentina soybean crop was 19.7% planted late last week according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an advance of 11% for the week and it is about 2% slower than last year. In the core production areas, the soybeans are 40-45% planted with 5-25% planted in southern Argentina and no soybeans planted in far northern Argentina.
Good soil moisture in the core production areas allowed for good planting progress in those areas. In the southern and western areas, light rains and dry conditions kept the planting progress slower than normal. In contrast, far northern Argentina received as much as 4-5 inches of heavy rains last week keeping farmers out of the field.
Rainfall in Argentina over the weekend was limited and the 1-5 day forecast is calling for limited showers with improved chances of rain in the 6-10 day forecast.
Argentina Corn - The 2019/20 corn crop in Argentina was 44.3% planted late last week according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represented an advance of 1.6% for the week. The slow weekly advance in corn planting should continue until early December when farmers start on their second phase of corn planting. The Argentine corn crop will not be completely planted until sometime in January. By that time, some of the corn in central Argentina may be ready for harvest.
In the core production areas, the corn is 92-95% planted with 40-60% planted in southern Argentina and no corn planted in far northern Argentina. The early planted corn is rated 0.2% very poor, 4.0% poor, 47.4% fair, 40.9% good, and 7.6% excellent. These ratings are better than last year at this time. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 17.5% short to very short and 31.5% optimum to surplus. The soil moisture is dryer than it was last year. The early planted corn is generally in vegetative development with 1% pollinating