Apr 29, 2021

2020/21 Argentina Soybeans 18.5% Harvested vs. 43.5% Average

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the average soybean yield thus far is 3,030 kg/ha (45.1 bu/ac) with a range of 1,600 to 3,350 kg/ha (23.8 to 50.0 bu/ac).

Soybeans in Argentina were 18.5% harvested late last week compared to 56.4% last year and 43.5% average. This represents an advance of 11.2% for the week. In the core production areas the soybeans are approximately 45% harvested with less than 10% harvested in southern Argentina and less than 15% harvested in far northern Argentina. The early planted soybeans were 26% harvested while the later planted soybeans were 1.4% harvested.

The Argentina soybean crop was rated 30% poor/very poor, 61% fair, and 9% good/excellent as of late last week. The good/excellent percentage compares to 9% the prior week. The soil moisture for the soybeans was rated 11% short/very short and 89% favorable/optimum. The favorable/optimum percentage compares to 88% the prior week.

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange left their soybean estimate unchanged at 43.0 million tons and the Rosario Exchange also left their estimate unchanged at 45.0 million tons.