Jun 23, 2020

Soy Planting Complete in Brazil's Northernmost State of Roraima

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

In the small part of Brazil that is north of the Equator and thus in the northern Hemisphere, the soybean growing season is very similar to that of the United States. They plant soybeans in May and June and harvest in August or September.

Brazil's northernmost state of Roraima is where most of Brazil's northern soybeans are planted. The soybeans in Roraima are grown in the cerrado region in the northern part of the state. The cerrado soils of Roraima are very similar to the cerrado soils of central Brazil.

Conab is estimating that farmers in Roraima will plant 49,000 hectares of soybeans in 2020, which is up 22.5% compared to the 40,000 hectares planted in 2019. The soybean acreage in the state has been increasing about 25% per year as more farmers from southern Brazil purchase land in the state. While the soybean acreage in Roraima is growing, it only represents 0.13% of Brazil's total soybean acreage.

The soybean planting in Roraima is complete and some of the early planted soybeans are starting to flower. Farmers are expecting the average soybean yield to be in the range of 50 sacks per hectare (44.4 bu/ac) with some yields approaching 70 sacks per hectare (62.0 bu/ac). Farmers have already forward contracted a majority of their anticipated production at prices that will guarantee a profit.

The soybeans in Roraima are either trucked north to ports in neighboring Venezuela or Guyana or south to ports on the Amazon River.