Sep 10, 2019

Soybean Rust may Appear Later this Year in Southern Brazil

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The state of Parana maintains a series of spore collectors throughout the state in order to detect the presence of soybean rust spores. As soon as spores are detected, Emater (the extension service) issues alerts for farmers in the area that they should be prepared to start spraying for soybean rust.

During the 2018/19 growing season, soybean rust spores were detacted in the state of Parana on October 18th, which is very early. During the 2017/18 growing season, the first spores were not detected until December 1st. An early detection of soybean rust spores means that farmers will have to make additional applications of fungicide to adequately control the disease.

The director of Emater for the state of Parana is expecting the first rust spores to appear later this year compared to last year. He feels the appearance will be delayed due to several factors including: several frosts that occurred in the state, three months of dry weather, and conditions in Paraguay that will delay the start of their soybean planting. He expects the first spores to appear at the end of November or early December.

During the 2018/19 growing season, Emater in conjunction with Embrapa, had 174 spore collectors spread throughout the state. For this growing season, that number has been increased to 200 collectors.