Apr 15, 2020

2019/20 Argentina Corn 26% Harvested

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The Argentina corn harvest was 26.3% late last week compared to 21.2% last year and 19.3% average. This represents an advance of 4.1% for the week. The early planted corn was 42.3% harvested while the later planted corn was 0% harvested.

The corn is rated 33% good to excellent, which is up 1 point from the prior week. The soil moisture is rated 86% favorable to optimum, which is up 7 points from the prior week.

The average corn yield nationwide thus far is estimated at 9,170 kg/ha (141.2 bu/ac), which is 0.2 bu/ac better than the prior week. The corn in the core region is 50-65% harvested and the yields are averaging approximately 10,200 kg/ha (157.0 bu/ac), which are easily the highest in the country. These higher yields in the core regions are supporting the nationwide average, so I expect the nationwide corn yields to decline once the harvest moves into the lower yielding environments.

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange left their 2019/20 corn estimate unchanged last week at 50.0 million tons. In the April WASDE Report, the USDA left their estimate of the 2019/20 Argentina corn crop unchanged at 50.0 million tons.