Dec 10, 2019

2019/20 Brazilian Soy 93% Planted, Crop Developing Normally

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The rains in Brazil continue to be concentrated across the central part of Brazil with lessor amounts in northeastern Brazil and far southern Brazil. The forecast is calling for a continuation of the same pattern with the heaviest amounts in central Brazil. Weather forecasters in Brazil feel there will be adequate rains in Brazil during most of December, but some forecasters feel that the weather during January might be dryer than normal.

The 2019/20 Brazilian soybean crop is 93% planted compared to 96% last year and 93% average according to AgRural. Most of the remaining soybeans left to plant are in northeastern Brazil. The summer rains start later in northeastern Brazil, which is the case again this year, so a late start in northeastern Brazil is not unusual.

Mato Grosso - The earlier planted soybeans in Mato Gross are flowering, setting pods, and filling pods. Generally, farmers in Mato Grosso are confident that their soybean crop will produce average type of yields. They will begin harvesting some of the earliest planted soybeans in western Mato Grosso starting sometime in early January, if the weather permits. The soybeans in western Mato Grosso were planted first and many of those soybeans will be followed by a second crop of cotton.

Parana - Nearly all the soybeans in Parana have been planted and the crop is 1% germinating, 72% in vegetative development, 22% flowering, and 5% filling pods. The soybeans in Parana are rated 3% poor, 16% average, and 81% good. Last week, Parana reported the first cases of soybean rust in commercial soybean fields. This is actually a late appearance for soybean rust in Brazil (see later article). Emater has advised farmers to closely monitor their fields and be ready to apply an acceptable fungicide as soon as the first symptoms appear in their fields.

Thus far, the soybean crop in Brazil is generally doing fine, but with a slower planting pace in Brazil this year, the crop will need good rains through February to avoid any potential yield disruption.