Apr 28, 2020

Brazilian Ports Operating Normally for Grain Exports

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

According to the National Association of Grain Exporters (Anec), Brazilian ports continue to operate more or less normally. The only problem is a temporary lack of containers for meat and fruit exports. As far as grain is concerned, the volume of grain exports is actually higher compared to last year. All the ports in Brazil are taking extra precautions against Corvid-19 including prohibiting any worker from a docked vessel from leaving the vessel unless it is an emergency.

Brazil's largest port is the Port of Santos located in the state of Sao Paulo. Even though the governor of the state has extended the stay at home order for residents of the state until May 10th, the port continues to operate normally. Transportation and port activities have been deemed essential in Brazil and the government is trying very hard to keep exports up and running.

The second biggest port in Brazil is the Port of Paranagua and reports are that it too is operating normally as well as the "Northern Arc" of ports along the Amazon River. In fact, Anec estimates that Brazil will export a record 14.3 million tons of soybeans during the month of April.

That is the current situation in Brazil. If union members start to become infected with Covid-19, there could easily be labor unrest at one or more Brazilian ports.