Sep 11, 2020

Dry Conditions Slow Start of Soybean Planting in Parana

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The first soybeans in Brazil will be planted in the state of Parana, but inadequate soil moisture may delay the start of planting in many regions of the state. Farmers in the state were allowed to start planting their soybeans on September 10th, but only farmers in the western and northwestern regions of Parana have started to plant their soybeans. Those regions of the state have enough soil moisture to start planting, but in most of the state, farmers will wait until there is more rain in the forecast before they risk planting their soybeans.

The forecast is calling for light showers across the state on September 20th and 21st and then heavier amounts starting about September 26th. The longer range forecast for Parana during October and November is calling for above normal rainfall and seasonal temperatures. The Brazilian National Weather Service (Inmet) indicated that the initial rains may be slow to arrive, but they will arrive by the end of September.

If the forecast calls for good rains in the range of 1-2 inches, farmers may start planting their soybeans a few days prior to the anticipated rains.

Nationwide, Brazilian farmers have already forward contracted almost 60% of their anticipated 2020/21 soybean production. In the state of Parana, farmers have forward contracted approximately 45% of their anticipated 2020/21 production and approximately 5% of their 2021/22 production.

The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) is estimating that the soybean acreage in the state will only increase slightly 2020/21 from 5.46 million hectares last year to 5.53 million hectares this year and the state will produce 20.37 million tons of soybeans, which is down slightly from last year.

Farmers in the state are currently harvesting their safrinha corn which is 89% complete. That harvest percentage is up 11% from the previous week. They have also planted 16% of their 2020/21 full-season corn compared to 9% last year, but up 7% from the prior week. Deral is estimating that the full-season corn acreage will increase 1% in 2020/21 to 358,600 hectares.

Deral is forecasting a 3% reduction in the full-season corn production to 3.44 million tons due to lower corn yields. Last year the full-season corn yield was 10,017 kg/ha (159.2 bu/ac), but this year, Deral is expecting a corn yield of 9,609 kg/ha (152.7 bu/ac).

Farmers in the state have harvested 11% of their winter wheat compared to 28% last year. This represents an advance of 8% for the week. Deral reported that 66% of the wheat is rated in good condition with 25% rated as average and about half the crop is maturing.