Oct 29, 2020

Farmers in Parana Almost Double Soybean Planting in One Week

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in the state of Parana in southern Brazil made significant progress last week in planting their 2020/21 soybean crop. The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported that 61% of the soybeans had been planted by earlier this week, which represented an advance of 29% for the week. The rapid planting pace of last week now puts the planting on pace with the average pace. The soybeans in the state are rated 1% poor, 16% average, and 83% good.

Even though the planting pace has improved, farmers in the state indicate that the rainfall is still irregular and they continue to be concerned about the potential for dry weather due to the strengthening La Nina.

With the delayed start to the planting, farmers are now working overtime to plant their soybeans as quickly as possible. It is too early to say that soybean yields have been negatively impacted by the delayed planting, but the weather continues to be irregular due to La Nina.

Farmers in the state are concerned that they will be forced to plant their second crop of corn later than desired. Planting the safrinha corn late increases the risk of freezing temperatures before the corn reaches maturity.

Deral reported that farmers in Parana had planted 92% of their full-season corn, which is up 6% for the week. Farmers in the state have also harvested 90% of their winter wheat and all the wheat will be followed by a crop of soybeans.