May 19, 2020

2020 U.S. Corn 80% Planted, Soybeans 53% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Heavy rains over the weekend across the central Corn Belt especially Illinois resulted in some ponding and standing water. Rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches were common across much of Illinois. The heavy rains, coupled with a prior frost may result in some replanting of the corn, but it is too early to say how much. Fortunately, the forecast is calling for dryer and warmer temperatures later this week, which is just what the crops need.

On the positive side, the weekend rains were welcomed across Minnesota, northwest Iowa, eastern South Dakota, western Nebraska, and Kansas, all of which had been trending dryer in recent weeks. In last Thursday's Drought Monitor some abnormally dry areas were staring to appear in parts of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. The weekend rains did not hit all the dry areas, but it helped for sure.

The 2020 U.S. corn crop was 80% planted as of Sunday compared to 44% last year and 71% average. Planting increased 13% last week. The corn emergence was 43% compared to 16% last year and 40% average. The planting trend this spring continues to be faster planting progress in the western Corn Belt and slower planting progress in the eastern Corn Belt.

In the western Corn Belt, Iowa continues to lead the way with 96% of the corn planted (82% average) followed by Minnesota at 95% (77% average) and Nebraska at 91% (78% average). Corn planting continues to be slower in the eastern Corn Belt with Illinois 83% planted (75% average), Indiana is 72% (56% average), Ohio is 57% (49% average), and Michigan is 59% (44% average).

The 2020 U.S. soybean crop was 53% planted last Sunday compared to 18% last year and 38% average. Soybean planting increased 15% last week. The soybean emergence was 18% compared to 4% last year and 12% average. The soybean planting pattern was similar to corn, faster in the western Corn Belt and slower in the eastern Corn Belt.

I would continue to categorize this year's spring planting as better than average especially in the western Corn Belt and there is no reason at this point not to assume a trend line yields for both crops.