Nov 12, 2020

Soy Planting Started Slow in Parana, will end at the Normal Time

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in Parana in southern Brazil had planted 84% of their 2020/21 soybeans as of earlier this week compared to 89% last year according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deal). Irregular rains slowed down the start of the planting, but the planting should finish at about the regular time. Some farmers have had to replant their soybeans due to poor germination and low plant populations caused by dry weather.

The soybeans in Parana are 28% germinating, 71% in vegetative development, and 1% flowering and the crop is rated 2% poor, 23% average, and 75% good. The economist from Deral indicated that farmers are concerned about the delayed start to the planting and the fact that the long range forecast is calling for below normal rainfall during November and December. The irregular start to the summer rains and the dryer forecast is being attributed to a strengthening La Nina in the Pacific Ocean.

Deral is estimating the 2020/21 soybean production in Parana at 20.5 million tons, which would be 1% lower than last year's production. Parana is the second largest soybean producing state in Brazil after Mato Grosso.

The delayed start to the soybean planting is also going to delay the planting of the safrinha corn after the soybeans are harvested. If the safrinha corn is planted after the ideal planting window closes, which is about the third week of February, there is an increased risk of freezing temperatures before the corn matures.