May 11, 2021

2021 U.S. Corn 67% Planted vs. 52 Average, Soy 42% vs. 22 Average

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The 2020/21 planting in the U.S. continues ahead of average across the Corn Belt, but even with the cooler temperatures, the emergence of both the corn and soybeans is ahead of the average pace.

Corn - The 2021 U.S. corn crop is 67% planted compared to 65% last year and 52% average. The corn emergence is 20% compared to 22% last year and 19% average. Iowa leads the way with 86% of the corn planted (65% average), Minnesota is 85% planted (53% average), Illinois is 74% planted (61% average), and Nebraska is 71% planted (57% average). The corn planting represented an advance of 21% for the week.

There had been some concerns about slow corn emergence due to cooler temperatures, but the crop seems to be emerging at about a normal pace. Going forward, cool temperatures could slow the early corn growth, but I would not be too concerned about that at this point.

Soybeans - The 2021 U.S. soybeans are 42% planted compared to 36% last year and 22% average. The soybeans are 10% emerged compared to 6% last year and 4% average. Iowa leads the way with 67% of the soybeans planted (30% average), Minnesota is 65% planted (25% average), Illinois is 57% planted (25% average), and Nebraska is 47% planted (26% average). The soybean planting represented an advance of 18% for the week.

The soybean emergence is ahead of average in spite of the cooler temperatures.

Soil Moisture - Prior to the rains over the weekend, last week's Drought Monitor indicated that the dry areas of the Midwest got a little dryer last week especially in the northwestern Corn Belt. North Dakota was rated 93% severe drought, South Dakota was 35% severe drought and Iowa was 78% abnormally dry with 36% of the state in moderate drought.

The dry conditions were also confirmed in the weekly Crop Progress Report released on Monday where the topsoil in North Dakota was rated 80% short/very short, South Dakota was rated 67% short/very short and Iowa was rated 37% short/very short.

Rains over the weekend helped to recharge the dry conditions that had been developing in parts of northern Illinois, northern Indiana, and northern Ohio. The northwestern Corn Belt also received some rain over the weekend with the best rains falling in Iowa and the least amount of rain in North Dakota.

The dryness in the northwestern Corn Belt is catching more of the market's attention now that we are into the month of May. As temperatures warm up and the crops start to grow, regular summer rainfall will be needed due to the low soil moisture.