Sep 25, 2019
Too Much Rain in NW Corn Belt, Too Little in Southeastern U.S.
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
2019 U.S. Corn - The weather continues to generally be cooperative for the development of the late planted crop although there might be too much of a good thing in parts of the western Corn Belt. Heavy rains over the weekend kept many areas of the western Corn Belt very soggy. The persistent precipitation could lead to increased disease pressure and maybe some quality issues as well.
On the plus side, every week that goes by without the threat of frost is another week closer to a successful finish for the crop. There might be a chance of frost in the long range forecast for the far northwestern Corn Belt, but it is too far out to judge any potential damage. In the meantime, the down-side risk for the crop is diminishing.
The condition of the 2019 U.S. corn crop surprisingly increased 2% to 57% rated good to excellent. The 2019 U.S. corn crop is 79% dented compared to 96% last year and 94% average. The corn is 29% mature compared to 69% last year and 57% average and the corn is 7% harvested compared to 15% last year and 11% average.
The soil moisture situation has tuned into two extremes with too much rainfall in the northern areas and too little rainfall in the eastern and southern locations. States such as Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin have 98-99% adequate to surplus soil moisture. States such as Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky and the southeastern states have 80-90% short to very short soil moisture.
2019 U.S. Soybeans - The recent weather has been good for the later planted soybeans in the Corn Belt. Every week without a frost is a benefit for the crop. The weather has not been as cooperative in the southern and southeastern U.S. where it has been generally hot and dry the last several weeks. There is a chance of frost in the long range forecast for the far northwestern Corn Belt, but it is too early to predict any potential damage.
The condition of the 2019 U.S. soybean crop was unchanged last week at 54% rated good to excellent. The soybeans are 34% dropping leaves compared to 68% last year and 59% average. The yields of the late planted soybeans in the mid-South, Delta, and southeastern states are being negatively impacted by the hot and dry conditions.