Nov 26, 2019

2019/20 Brazilian Soybeans are 79% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The weather in Brazil continues to show slow improvement. The rainfall in central Brazil is improving, but it is still not what it should be for this time of the year. Southern Brazil has been dry, then wet, then dry again. Going forward, the forecast is calling for improved chances of rainfall in southern Brazil.

The 2019/20 Brazilian soybean crop is 79% planted compared to 89% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 12% for the week and the planting pace is about average thanks to a big gain in planting in Rio Grande do Sul. The two biggest soybean producing states, which are Mato Grosso and Parana, are essentially done planting the 2019/20 soybean crop.

Grosso Mato - In Mato Grosso, the soybeans are 98.4% planted with only a little left to plant in northeastern Mato Grosso.

Parana - Parana, the soybeans are 96% planted and the crop is 9% germinating, 86% in vegetative development, and 5% flowering. The soybeans in Parana are rated 2% poor, 18% average, and 80% good. In the municipality of Pato Branco, which is located in southern Parana, soybean prices are as high as R$ 80.00 per sack (approximately $9.10 a bushel using an exchange rate of 4.0 reals per dollar). Emater in Parana has positioned 228 collectors across the state to capture any soybean rust spores that may be floating around. As soon as spores are detected, farmers in the region are notified and advised to make preventative fungicide applications.

Rio Grande do Sul - The soybeans in Rio Grande do Sul are 59% planted, which is up from 26% last week. The soybean planting in the state is slower than average this year due to excessive moisture especially across the northern part of the state where most of the soybeans are planted. There are some concerns about lower plant populations due to the excess moisture, but generally the crop is in good condition with few reports of insect problems.

Mato Grosso do Sul - The soybeans in Mato Grosso do Sul were 75% planted earlier last week, which is about 30% slower than last year. The delay was caused by earlier dry weather. It has been 20 days without rain in some parts of the state. The delayed soybean planting is going to result in delayed safrinha corn planting early next year. The president of Aprosoja/MS is recommending that farmers not plant their safrinha corn past the recommended planting window. He is recommending that farmers instead plant grain sorghum, wheat, oats, or a cover crop. Farmers have taken advantage of the weaker Brazilian currency and have forward contracted 40% of their anticipated 2019/20 soybean production.

Northeastern Brazil - In the states of Maranhao, Tocantins, Piaui, and Bahia, the irregular rains have kept the soybean planting slower than average especially in Bahia and Piaui.