May 12, 2021

2020/21 Argentina Corn 22.7% Harvested vs. 32.4% Average

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The later planted corn in Argentina benefited from improved weather when it was still in vegetative development. In contrast, the earlier planted corn was in the midst of reproduction while it was still dry, so it did not benefit as much when the weather improved.

The corn in Argentina was 22.7% harvested as of late last week compared to 38.2% last year and 32.4% average. This represented an advance of 3.2% for the week. The focus of farmers in Argentina last week was harvesting their soybeans instead of the corn. In the core production areas, the corn was 75-80% harvested with 10-20% harvested in southern Argentina and 0% harvested in far northern Argentina. The early planted corn was 45.6% harvested with the later planted corn 0% harvested.

The average corn yield thus far is 8,520 kg/ha (135.4 bu/ac) according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an increase of 1.4 bu/ac compared to the prior week. The corn yields range from 5,630 kg/ha to 9,380 kg/ha (89.5 bu/ac to 149.1 bu/ac).

The corn is rated 14% poor/very poor, 42% fair, and 44% good/excellent. The good/excellent percentage was 41% the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 14% short/very short, 85% favorable/optimum, and 1% surplus. The favorable/optimum percentage was 85% the prior week.