Jun 29, 2021
2021 U.S. Corn Condition Declines 1%, Soybeans Unchanged
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Corn - The condition of the 2021 U.S. corn crop declined 1% last week to 64% rated good to excellent. Nine states indicated that the corn condition had improved last week while 8 states indicated that the condition had declined and 1 was unchanged. Most of the improvements were found in the central and eastern areas while most of the declines were found in the western and northwestern areas. The five highest rated corn states are: Colorado, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Texas. The five lowest rated corn states are : South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, and Iowa.
The corn condition declined 1% due to a combination of continued dryness in the northwestern Corn Belt and areas of excessive moisture in the central and eastern Corn Belt.
Soybeans - The condition of the 2021 U.S soybean crop held steady last week at 60% rated good to excellent. Eight states indicated that the soybean condition improved last week while 8 states indicated that the condition had declined and 2 were unchanged. Most of the improvements were found in the central and eastern areas while most of the declines were found in the western and southern areas. The five highest rated soybean states are: Nebraska, Indiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The five lowest rated soybean states are: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, and a tie between Iowa and Kansas.
The soybean condition held steady, but the main concern for the soybeans remains the dryness in the northwestern Corn Belt.
Soil Moisture - The nation's topsoil got wetter last week with 9 states indicating improved soil moisture and 9 states indicating dryer soil moisture. Most of the improvements were found in the central and eastern areas while most of the dryer conditions were found in the western and southern areas. The five states with the highest soil moisture are: Michigan, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. The five states with the driest soils are: South Dakota, Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, and Arkansas.
The difference in soil moisture between regions is becoming even more stark. There is now excessive soil moisture in parts of the central and eastern Corn Belt while parts of the northwestern Corn Belt remain extremely dry. If the forecast for a hot and dry weather in July verifies, the crops in the central and eastern Corn Belt might be OK, but the crops in the northwestern Corn Belt could be severely impacted. The four driest states are all in the northwestern Corn Belt.