Aug 25, 2020

Weather in Brazil- Hot and Dry North, Cold and Wet South

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The weather in Brazil has been hot and dry in central Brazil which is not unusual for this time of the year and cold and wet in southern Brazil, which is unusual for this time of year. Many areas of central Brazil are over 90 days without rain and counting. Temperatures have been very hot in central Brazil, but they have temporarily cooled off. Hot temperatures are expected to return to the region. The first rains in central Brazil usually occur sometime in mid-September, but as of yet, there is no rain in the forecast.

In contrast, southern Brazil has been very wet with some areas receiving 12 to 20 inches of rainfall the last 90 days. Strong frosts and even some snow flurries occurred in southern Brazil late last week and over the weekend.

Western Parana has ample soil moisture to start planting their 2020/21 soybeans as soon as they are allowed to start planting on September 11th. Therefore, it looks like the first soybeans in Brazil will be planted in the state of Parana.