Sep 18, 2019

Brazilian Soybean Planting off to a Slower Start than 2018/19

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Brazilian Weather - The dry season remains firmly in control in central Brazil with no significant rainfall in the immediate future. There are some limited light and scattered showers in the longer range forecast for next week, but it remains to be seen if it will be enough to encourage farmers to start planting their 2019/20 soybeans.

Brazilian Soybeans - Farmers in much of Brazil are now free to start planting their 2019/20 soybean crop if they feel there is enough soil moisture to insure germination and stand establishment. Soybean planting was liberated last week in Parana, but little planting occurred due to dry conditions. The near term forecast in Parana is calling for limited rains mainly in the southern part of the state. It remains to be seen if the rains will be sufficient to give farmers enough confidence to plant their soybeans. Farmers in Parana say they would like to see two or three rains of an inch or more before they start planting.

One thing is for sure, the start of soybean planting this year in Parana will be slower than the start of planting in 2018/19. On September 17, 2018, farmers in Parana had already planted 9% of their soybeans, but this year very few soybeans have been planted.

In Mato Grosso, soybean planting was liberated as of September 16th, but it is too dry for any planting to occur if irrigation is not available. There is only a limited number of center pivot irrigation systems in Mato Grosso, so the early soybean planting will be limited and slower than last year when planting got off to a fast start. Temperatures in Mato Grosso have been extremely hot with highs in the range of 105 to 115°F (41 to 46°C).

Brazilian Corn - Some limited full-season corn planting has occurred in southern Brazil especially in the state of Parana where the Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported that 9% of the intended full-season corn had been planted as of early last week. Only about one quarter of Brazil's corn crop will be planted as full-season corn with about three quarters planted as safrinha corn after the soybeans are harvested.