Jun 19, 2019

State of Santa Catarina Leading Pork and Poultry Exporter in Brazil

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil has always been the leading hog producing state in Brazil and it is now poised to take over the lead in poultry production as well with 39% of Brazil's poultry production.

The Secretary of Agriculture for the State of Santa Catarina indicated that poultry is the principal export from the state and that from January through May of 2019, exports of the better cuts of poultry increased by 61%.

The largest export markets for poultry exports from Santa Catarina are Japan, China, United Arab Emeritus, Saudi Arabia, and Holland, all of which have increased their poultry imports from Brazil by as much as 30%.

Poultry exports are expected to continue to be strong propelled mainly by increased sales to China. China is looking to import more poultry, pork, and beef in order to substitute for the reduction of pork production caused by the African Swine Fever. During the month of April, China, along with Hong Kong, were responsible for 45% of Brazil's pork exports.

Poultry exports to Mexico are also expected to increase in the coming months as a result of trade tensions between Mexico and the United States.