Jul 16, 2020

Corn Ethanol Facilities to be Inaugurated by Brazilian President

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

A spokesperson for the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture announced that President Jair Bolsonaro will travel to Mato Grosso on August 1st to inaugurate two new corn-based ethanol facilities and participate in the opening of the cotton harvest.

The President's first stop will be in the city of Sinop in northern Mato Grosso to inaugurate the first phase of a new corn-based ethanol facility. He will then travel to the city of Nova Ubirata to participate in the ceremonial start of the cotton harvest and to present hundreds of small family farmers with titles to their land.

His last stop will be in the city of Sorriso in the mid-north region of the state to inaugurate the final phase of another corn-based ethanol facility. The President is expected to be accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, the Economic Minister, Paulo Guedes, and the Environmental Minister as well as local politicians and dignitaries.