Nov 20, 2020

Parana Soybeans 92% Planted, Full-Season Corn 98% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in the state of Parana in southern Brazil are wrapping up the planting of their summer crops. The soybean planting in Parana is 92% complete as of earlier this week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The soybeans were 15% germinating, 82% in vegetative development, and 3% flowering. The soybeans were rated 3% poor, 27% average, and 70% good. The percentage of the crop rated good is 10% lower than last year at this time.

There are reports that some of the soybeans may need to be replanted due to poor plant populations resulting from dry conditions especially in the northern part of the state. Additional rainfall will be need over the next several weeks to avoid potential yield reductions. Deral is estimating that the state will produce 20.5 million tons of soybeans in 2020/21, which would be down 1% compared to 2019/20.

Deral reported that the full-season corn was 98% planted earlier this week. The corn was 4% germinating, 84% in vegetative development, 11% pollinating, and 1% filling grain. The corn was rated 4% poor, 25% average, and 71% good. Deral is estimating that the full-season corn production in 2020/21 will be 3.4 to 3.5 million tons.

The majority of Parana's corn will be produced as the safrinha crop planted after the soybeans are harvested. The delayed soybean planting will force the safrinha corn to be planted near the end of the ideal planting window which closes at the end of February. Planting safrinha corn later than normal in Parana increases the risk of frost occurring before the crop matures.

Corn prices in Parana are in the range of R$ 66.00 per sack (approximately $5.70 per bushel), which is 100% higher than a year ago.