Dec 12, 2019

Completion of Soy Planting in NE Brazil Delayed by Dry Weather

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Brazilian farmers had planted 93% of the 2019/20 soybeans as of late last week according to AgRural with most of the remaining unplanted soybeans in northeastern Brazil. The summer rains usually start later in the Matopiba region in northeastern Brazil, which includes the states of Maranaho, Tocantins, Piaui, and Bahia, but this year the rains are starting even later than normal.

The early growing season weather in northeastern Brazil has been complicated. The rains that have fallen in the region have been generally scattered and irregular with some farmers pleased with the early soybean development and other farmers still waiting for enough soil moisture to plant their 2019/20 soybeans.

Unfortunately, the forecast for northeastern Brazil is for dryer than normal weather and hotter than normal temperatures in the near term. If this forecast verifies, there is the possibility that some of the soybeans will be planted after the ideal planting window has closed. Planting soybeans later than normal in Brazil does not necessarily mean that the potential yields will be negatively impacted because if the weather during the remaining growing season is beneficial, the soybeans could still have acceptable yields.

The potential problem for soybeans in northeastern Brazil is the fact that the summer rains generally end earlier that in other parts of the country. If that turns out to be the case in early 2020, then there could be disappointing yields especially for the latest planted soybeans.