Mar 21, 2019

Cordoba, Argentina Could Harvest Record Large Corn Crop

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in the province of Cordoba, Argentina are poised to harvest a record large corn crop in 2018/19. The director of the Department of Agro-economic Information for the Grain Exchange of Cordoba recently estimated that the 2018/19 corn production in Cordoba would be 18.1 million tons. If realized, it would be 15% larger than the previous record set in 2016/17 of 15.8 million tons.

The corn yield in the province is expected to average 8,600 kg/ha (132.4 bu/ac) and every department in the province is expected to have a higher average yield compared to last year when a significant drought negatively impacted the corn yields. Some of the expected corn yields by department include: Marcos Juarez 11,430 kg/ha (176.0 bu/ac), Junion 10,160 kg/ha (156.4 bu/ac), San Martin 9,580 kg/ha (147.5 bu/ac), Rio Segundo 9,300 kg/ha (143.2 bu/ac), and Santa Maria 9,140 kg/ha (140.7 bu/ac)

The soybean crop in Cordoba was not quite as fortunate. Lower soybean acreage and dry weather at a critical time for the soybeans is expected to result in a larger soybean crop than last year, but not a new record high production.

The Grain Exchange of Cordoba is estimating the 2018/19 soybean production in Cordoba at 13.7 million tons, which is 10% more than last year, but 18% lower than the previous record of 16.8 million tons set in 2014/15. All the department in the province are expected to have higher soybean yields compared to last year including: Marcus Juarez 4,170 kg/ha (61.7 bu/ac), Union 4,070 kg/ha (60.2 bu/ac), and San Martin 3,770 kg/ha (55.7 bu/ac).