Mar 19, 2020

Safrinha Corn in State of Parana off to Irregular Start

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

According to the consulting firm DATAGRO, the safrinha corn in central and southern Brazil was 90.4% planted as of March 13th compared to 91.9% last year and 87.2% for the 5-year average.

The biggest safrinha producing state is Mato Grosso and the safrinha corn planting in that state is complete and the weather has generally been favorable in the state. Mato Grosso is responsible for approximately 40% of the safrinha corn planted in Brazil.

The second biggest safrinha corn producing state in Brazil is Parana with approximately 17% of the safrinha corn acreage. Planting in that state was 90% complete earlier this week, but farmers are concerned about dry weather and the impact on germination and stand establishment. The safrinha corn planting in the states of Parana and Mato Grosso do Sul are about 10-15 days later than normal. Mato Grosso do Sul is the third largest safrinha corn producing state in Brazil with about 14% of the total acreage.

The growing sewason is just starting, but some farmers in Parana have already lowered their yield expectations because 30% to 40% of the safrinha corn is not developing normally.