Jul 17, 2019

2018/19 Brazil Safrinha Corn Harvest Surpasses 50%

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The safrinha corn crop in Brazil was 56% harvested last week compared to 30% for the 5-year average according to AgRural. The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) indicated that the safrinha corn in Mato Grosso is 76% harvested compared to 49% last year and 51% for the 5-year average. Dry weather allowed the corn harvest to advance 14% last week in Mato Grosso.

In the municipality of Canarana, which is located in eastern Mato Grosso, the safrinha corn harvest is 70% complete and the average yield is expected to be 100 sacks per hectare (92.4 bu/ac), which is the best yield in recent years. The average corn price in the region is R$ 22 to R$ 23 per sack (approximately $2.63 to $2.75 per bushel). The good yields and the relatively good prices are allowing farmers in the region to turn a small profit on their corn production.

In the municipality of Primavera do Leste in southeastern Mato Grosso, the safrinha corn is 80% harvested and farmers are very pleased with their yields and the prices they are receiving for their corn. According to the Rural Syndicate of Primavera do Leste, safrinha corn yields are averaging approximately 125 sacks per hectare (115.5 bu/ac) with some of the highest yields approaching 150 sacks per hectare (138.6 bu/ac).

Farmers in the region are also very pleased with the corn price, which is in the range of R$ 25.00 per sack (approximately $3.00 per bushel). At the start of the growing season, farmers were expecting the corn price to be in the range of R$ 18.00 to R$ 22.00 per sack (approximately $2.15 to $2.60 per bushel). As a result of the good price, farmers in the region have already sold 60% of their safrinha corn production.

In the state of Parana, the safrinha corn was 60% harvested as of late last week. The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported that the corn was 15% filling grain and 85% mature when a very hard freeze hit the area the night of July 6th. The freeze could have cut short the grain filling process for the latest maturing corn, but we won't know that until the combines start to harvest the crop. Therefore, I am a little more cautious concerning the safrinha corn production in Parana.

In all the major safrinha corn producing states in Brazil, the safrinha corn yields are above original expectations. Early planting and beneficial weather during the growing season has resulted in record corn yields in many locations.