May 15, 2019
2018/19 Brazilian Soybean Harvest Approaching Completion
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The soybeans in Brazil are approximately 98% harvested with a few soybeans left to harvest in Rio Grande do Sul and in northeastern Brazil. In Rio Grande do Sul, farmers in the northwestern region of the state are allowed to plant a safrinha crop of soybeans in January after they harvest their first crop of soybeans or corn.
Yields of the safrinha soybeans are reported to be very disappointing due to a high incidence of soybean rust. This is renewing the discussion if farmers in the state should be allowed to plant a second crop of soybeans and if the state should adopt a soybean-free period. Most of the main soybean producing states in Brazil have prohibited safrinha soybean production and they have adopted a soybean-free period as a way to slow the spread of soybean rust from one growing season to the next.
AgRural increased their estimate of the 2018/19 Brazilian soybean crop by 0.7 million tons to 115.3 million. DATAGROW increased their estimate of the 2018/19 Brazilian soybean crop by 2.2 million tons to 115.1 million. They estimated the average soybean yield at 3,205 kg/ha (47.4 bu/ac), which is down -8% compared to last year. Conab increased their soybean estimate by 0.49 million tons to 114.3 million.
In their May report, WASDE left their 2018/19 Brazilian soybean estimate unchanged at 117.0 million tons. Their first estimate of the 2019/20 Brazilian soybean crop is 123.0 million tons.