May 25, 2021

2021 U.S. Planting - Corn 90% vs. 80% avg., Soy 75% vs. 54% avg

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

U.S. farmers made good progress planting their spring crops last week with both planting and emergency continuing to be ahead of average. The soybean planting came in below market expectations due to wet conditions across part of the Corn Belt.

Corn - The 2021 U.S. corn crop is 90% planted compared to 87% last year and 80% average. This represents an advance of 10% for the week. The corn emergence is 64% compared to 61% last year and 54% average. This represents an advance of 23% for the week.

The state of Minnesota leads with 98% of the corn planted (87% average), Iowa is 97% planted (90% average), South Dakota is 93% planted (72% average), and Illinois is 90% planted (79% average).

Soybeans - The 2021 U.S. soybeans are 75% planted compared to 63% last year and 54% average. This represents an advance of 14% for the week. The soybeans are 41% emerged compared to 33% last year and 25% average.

The state of Minnesota also leads in soybean planting with 97% planted (68% average), Iowa is 89% planted (66% average), Nebraska is 86% planted (66% average), South Dakota is 83% planted (45% average), and Illinois is 80% planted (53% average.

The first corn condition rating will be issued on June 1st and the first soybean condition rating should be issued on June 7th. I think the first condition ratings will be fairly positive for both crops.

Soil Moisture - Rainfall last week helped to improve the soil moisture especially in the far western Corn Belt - western North Dakota, western South Dakota, and western Nebraska. The topsoil in North Dakota is now rated 66% short/very short, South Dakota is 63% short/very short, Minnesota is 32% short/very short, and Iowa is 18% short/very short. The one significant area in the eastern Corn Belt that is short on moisture is Michigan where the topsoil is rated 62% short/very short.

In contrast, the topsoil in the state of Louisiana is rated 42% adequate and 58% surplus, Arkansas is rated 70% adequate and 21% surplus, and Missouri is rated 56% adequate and 42% surplus.