Mar 19, 2019

2018/19 Soybean Harvest just getting Underway in Argentina

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

For the most part, the weather in Argentina continues to be beneficial for the majority of the soybeans especially the soybeans in the core production areas where the early soybean harvest is just getting underway. In contrast, the weather has been less than ideal in southern Buenos Aires and La Pampa where the weather continues to be dryer than normal. They received some rain in southern Buenos Aires over the weekend, but now the forecast is calling for a return of dryer weather.

The dry weather in the southern and southwestern areas of Argentina could impact the yield potential of the later planted soybeans in the region. Potentially lower yields in southwestern Argentina will likely be compensated for by very good yields in central Argentina.

The Rosario Exchange, which focuses on the conditions in core production areas of Argentina, increased their estimate of the Argentine soybean crop 2.0 million tons to 54.0 million. They are estimating the average yield for the early planted soybeans in the core area at 4,300 kg/ha (63.6 bu/ac) with some as high as 5,000 kg/ha (74 bu/ac).

The Rosario Exchange stated that the yields of the later planted soybeans should also be very good. They are estimating the average yield of the later planted soybeans in the core area at 3,300 kg/ha (48.8 bu/ac). Some of the later planted soybeans were impacted by heavy rains when the crop was getting established, and as a result, some of the later planted soybeans will have yields in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 kg/ha (15 to 29.6 bu/ac).

In their weekly report, the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange rated the soybean crop as 10.5% poor to very poor and 56.1% as good to excellent, which is sort of a split decision this week. The percentage of the crop rated poor to very poor increased while at the same time, the percentage of the crop rated good to excellent also increased. I think this is a reflection of the good conditions across central Argentina and the dryer conditions in southwestern Argentina.

The soil moisture for the soybeans was rated 9% short to very short and 46.1% optimum to surplus, which was also sort of a split decision. The early planted soybeans are 25.6% mature, while the later planted soybeans are 25% filling pods.