Jul 15, 2021

Condition of Safrinha Corn in Parana Continues to Deteriorate

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The situation for the safrinha corn in Parana continues to deteriorate. Earlier this week, the Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported that the safrinha corn was rated 44% poor, 45% average, and 11% good. A week earlier, the crop was rated 42% poor, 46% average, and 12% good. The corn is 4% pollinating, 49% filling grain, 47% mature, and 3% harvested.

The municipalities with the highest percentage of the safrinha corn rated poor include Paranavai in northwestern Parana (85%), Cornelio Procopio in northern Parana (80%), Francisco Beltrao in southwestern Parana (75%), and Cascavel in western Parana (55%).

Late planting and dry weather had already taken a toll on the crop before three nights of freezing temperatures in late June and early July significantly impacted the crop. The second night of frost was especially harsh.

In the municipality of Maringa in northern Parana, farmers are expecting losses as high as 60-70% with maybe a complete loss for corn planted after the ideal planting window had closed. In the municipality of Londrina, which is also located in northern Parana, the situation is similar, and the municipality has declared a state of calamity.

Similar losses are expected in western and southwestern Parana as well. The quality of the grain is also expected to be poorer than average due to the drought and frosts.

Unfortunately, the amount of crops in Brazil covered by crop insurance is much lower than in the U.S. The Director of the National Program to Fortify Family Agriculture (Pronaf) estimates that less than 20% of the Brazilian soybean crop is covered by any form of crop insurance.