May 27, 2020

2019/20 Argentina Soybeans 93% Harvested, Corn 43% Harvested

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Argentina Soybeans - Farmers in Argentina have harvested 93.3% of their soybeans compared to 85.0% last year and 80.9% average. This is the fastest harvest pace since 2012/13. According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the running soybean yield declined again this week to 2,990 kg/ha (44.2 bu/ac), which is down 0.6 bu/ac from last week. The Grain Exchange estimates that the final soybean yield will be in the range of 2,950 kg/ha (43.6 bu/ac) and they left their 2019/20 soybean estimate unchanged at 49.5 million tons.

The early planted soybeans are 97.3% harvested and the later planted soybeans are 84.8% harvested.

2019/20 Running Soybean Yield - Buenos Aires Grain Exchange
DateSoybean Yield - kg/haSoybean Yield - bu/ac
April 2, 20203,75055.5
April 9, 20203,62053.5
April 16, 20203,42050.6
April 23, 20203,23047.8
April 30, 20203,15046.6
May 7, 20203,09045.7
May 14, 20203,03044.8
May 21, 20202,99044.2

Argentina Corn - The Argentina corn crop was 43.5% harvested late last week compared to 36.1% last year and 34.3% average according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an advance of 3.5% for the week. The early planted corn was 68.1% harvested while the later planted corn was 3.4% harvested. Now that the soybean harvest is nearly complete, farmers will focus more of their attention on the corn harvest.

The corn was rated 37% good to excellent, which was 1 point higher than the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 96% favorable to optimum, which was 1 point higher than the prior week.

According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the running corn yield last week was 9,100 kg/ha (140.1 bu/ac), which was 1.2 bu/ac lower than the previous week. The Grain Exchange left their 2019/20 Argentina corn estimate unchanged at 50.0 million tons.

2019/20 Running Corn Yield - Buenos Aires Grain Exchange
Date Corn Yield - kg/haCorn Yield - bu/ac
April 2, 20209,160141.0
April 9, 20209.170141.2
April 16, 20209,250142.5
April 23, 20209,230142.1
April 30, 20209,220141.9
May 7, 20209,210141.8
May 14, 20209,180141.3
May 21, 20209,100140.1