Oct 28, 2020

2020/21 Argentina Corn 28% Planted, Soybeans 1-2% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Argentina Soybeans - The weather in Argentina improved with rains over the weekend in much of central and northern Argentina. The remaining dryness is found mostly in the northwestern part of the country. Even though the forecast looks dryer going forward, for now, the planting conditions have improved.

Soybean planting is just getting started in Argentina. The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange has not released a soybean planting percentage, but I would estimate that 1-2% of the soybeans have been planted, which is about average for this time of the year. The soybean planting pace will increase as farmers finish their corn planting and move onto planting their corn.

Argentina Corn - Planting conditions in Argentina have improved for corn planting and the 2020/21 corn crop in Argentina was 27.5% as of late last week compared to 35.0% last year and 34.2% average according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represented an advance of 4.2% for the week.

The condition of the corn is rated 9% poor, 57% fair, and 34% good to excellent. The good to excellent rating is up 1% from the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 14% short to very short and 86% favorable. The favorable soil moisture is up 10% from the prior week.

The early planting phase of the corn was 54.9% planted ate last week compared to 56% last year and 68% average. Farmers in Argentina would like to have all their early corn planted by the end of October, but that will not be the case this year. Therefore, there might be more corn than anticipated planted during the second phase which starts in early December.