Jun 30, 2021
2021 U.S. Corn Rated 64% Good/Excellent, Down 1%
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Heavy and sometime flooding rains occurred over the weekend in a band from eastern Kansas through northern Missouri into central and northern Illinois, northwest Indiana and into southern Michigan. Some areas received too much rain which resulted in localized flooding in low-lying areas. Outside of the flooded areas, the rainfall was beneficial for the crops.
In the flooded areas, the soybeans will probably be impacted more than the corn. If the weather is hot and sunny after a crop is flooded, the crops can survive for about 48 hours under water. If the weather is cool and cloudy after a flood, the crops can survive for maybe 72 hours under water. Even if the water drains relatively quickly, soybeans usually suffer more damage than corn from increased root diseases due to the saturated conditions.
The timing of the rainfall in the central and eastern Corn Belt was beneficial coming a couple of weeks prior to pollination. These rains should provide some extended benefits for the corn crop as we move into the important month of July.
The areas that received less rainfall, or none, include parts of northwest Iowa, western Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota. If the forecast for hotter and dryer weather during July verifies, we may look back at this past weekend as a giant "missed opportunity" for the corn crop in the northwestern Corn Belt.
The condition of the 2021 U.S. corn crop declined 1% and is now rated 64% good to excellent. The corn is 4% silking compared to 4% last year and 6% average. The best corn is in the eastern Corn Belt and the corn that needs the most help is in the northwestern Corn Belt.