Feb 04, 2020

2019/20 Argentina Soybeans 100% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

In most areas of Argentina, the weather continues to be good enough for more-or-less normal development of the soybean crop. The earliest planted soybeans are now entering the reproductive phase while the latest planted soybeans are in vegetative development. The soil moisture is generally adequate and the near term forecast does not look all that threatening, so I am a little more optimistic about the Argentine soybean crop.

The longer range forecasts keep calling for dryer weather, but there always seems to be enough scattered showers to keep the crop developing normally.

The 2019/20 Argentina soybean crop is now 100% planted with the last planted soybeans in far northern Argentina according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. The crop is rated 69.6% good to excellent, which is an improvement compared to last week. The soil moisture for the soybeans is rated 3.5% short and 40.7% optimum to surplus, which is about equal to last week. The soybeans are 28% setting pods and 37% filling pods, which is a little slower than last year.

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange is now estimating the 2019/20 Argentina soybean acreage at 17.4 million hectares (42.9 million acres) and they are estimating the crop at 53.1 million tons, which is higher than the 51.0 million tons they estimated at the start of the growing season.