Apr 10, 2019

Early 2018/19 Soybean Yields in Argentina are Very Good

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

There were heavy rains last week especially in western and northern Argentina. In some areas of central Cordoba, they received 12 inches of rain earlier last week. The rains slowed the harvest progress in the region, but they are not expected to result in lower yields. The quality of the soybeans could be impacted especially if there is a return of wet weather.

The soybean crop in Argentina was 6.4% harvested late last week compared to 15.3% last year at this time. In the northern core and the southern core areas, the soybeans are 14-17% harvested with these two areas representing approximately two thirds of all the soybeans harvested thus far.

These core areas are the most productive areas of Argentina, therefore it is no surprise that the yields reported thus far are very good. According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the average yield of all the soybeans harvested thus far in Argentina is 4,210 kg/ha (62.3 bu/ac) with the yields in the core areas averaging 4,300 kg/ha (63.6 bu/ac). The very good yields in central Argentina are expected to compensate for what is expected to be lower soybean yields especially in the southwestern production areas.

The Rosario Exchange estimated that in the core production area of Argentina, 40% of the soybeans have been harvested with yields averaging 4,300 kg/ha (63.6 bu/ac). The department of Marcos Juarez has reported the best soybean yields thus far with some as high as 6,000 kg/ha (88.8 bu/ac).

In their weekly crop report, the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange rated the soybean crop at 9% poor to very poor and 52.3% good to excellent, which is a slight improvement compared to last week. The soil moisture for the soybeans was rated 11.6% short to very short and 38.0 optimum to surplus, which was a slight improvement. The soybeans were 6.4% harvested. The early planted soybeans are 65% mature, while the later planted soybeans are 21% mature.