Jun 30, 2021

2021 U.S. Soybeans Rated 60% Good/Excellent, Unchanged

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The rainfall over the weekend in the central and eastern Corn Belt was beneficial for the soybeans except for the low-lying areas that may have flooded. Soybeans do not like "wet feet", so there may be some additional loss of soybean plants in the saturated areas due to increased root diseases.

We may have missed an opportunity to jump-start the soybean development in the dryer areas of the northwestern Corn Belt. The growing season is shorter in the northwestern Corn Belt, so the soybeans can ill afford to miss any opportunity for additional growth.

I have a lower bias for the 2021 U.S. soybean crop and it remains to be seen if any potential improvements in the central and eastern Corn Belt can offset potential losses in the northwestern Corn Belt.

The condition of the 2021 U.S. soybean crop held steady last week at 60% rated good to excellent. The soybeans are 96% emerged compared to 94% last year and 92% average and the soybeans are 14% blooming compared to 13% last year and 11% average. The best soybeans are in the central and eastern Corn Belt and the soybeans that need the most help are in the northwestern Corn Belt.