Dec 29, 2020

Argentina Soy 77% Planted, Rain Needed to Plant Double-Crop

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The soybean estimates in Argentina continue to move lower due to the ongoing problematic weather and the possibility that not all the double-crop soybeans will get planted.

Rainfall in Argentina continues to be scattered with less than ideal coverage. This has allowed some areas to maintain adequate soil moisture while other areas are rated short to very short on soil moisture. The best rains over the holiday weekend were across the western areas. The forecast is calling for improved chances of rainfall mid-week and then a return of hotter and dryer conditions later this week and into next week.

Dry weather delayed the soybean planting and the early plant development. The soybeans are 4% flowering compared to 21% average, so dry conditions now will take on greater importance since the soybeans are entering the reproductive phase. Additionally, if the dryer conditions persist, farmers in Argentina may not plant all of their intended double-crop soybeans. There are only 2-3 weeks left in the soybean planting window and farmers do not like to plant double-crop soybeans into dry conditions.

Soybeans in Argentina were 77.2% planted as of last week compared to 79% last year and 83% average. This represented an advance of 9% for the week. In the core production areas, the soybeans were 95-100% planted with 50-70% planted in southern areas and 15-30% planted in far northern Argentina. The full-season soybeans were 85% planted and the double crop soybeans were 60% planted.

The soybeans in Argentina were rated 5% poor to very poor, 46% fair, and 49% good to excellent. The good to excellent rating compares to 50% last week and 53% last year. The soil moisture for the soybean crop was rated 25% short to very short and 75% favorable to optimum. The favorable to optimum ratings compares to 69% last week and 89% last year.

The nationwide soybean crop was 4.4% blooming compared to 15.4% last year and 21% average. Dryer than normal conditions slowed the soybean planting and the early crop development. Probably all the full-season soybeans in Argentina will be planted, but the dryer conditions may result in fewer than anticipated double-crop soybeans from being planted. That may be the case in northern La Pampa and western Buenos Aires where it is currently dry and the planting window will close in about three weeks.