Sep 23, 2020

2020 U.S. Soybean Condition 63% G/E, 6% Harvested

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The weather last week was generally cool and dry and the forecast for this week is warmer, but still dry. I view the weather last week and this week as stabilizing the crop potential and the warmer and dryer conditions will help push the soybeans along to maturity. The rainfall of two weeks ago came too late to really add much to the yield potential, but they did keep the potential from declining further. A few early yield reports are probably more disappointing than optimistic, but again that may be due to the driest fields being harvested first.

The soybean yield estimate was left unchanged this week at 51.0 bu/ac and I think the USDA will lower their soybean yield a little from the 51.9 bu/ac they reported in the September Crop Report. They did not adjust the harvested acreage in the September Crop Report, but they might lower it 200-300,000 acres in the October Crop Report due to the acreage numbers being reported by the Farm Services Agency.

The condition of 2020 U.S. soybean crop was unchanged last week at 63% rated good to excellent. The soybeans are 59% dropping leaves compared to 29% last year and 50% average. The soybeans are 6% harvested compared to 2% last year and 6% average.