Feb 18, 2021

Later Planted Soy in Eastern Parana Avoided Weather Problems

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

In the municipality of Castro, which is located in eastern Parana, farmers planted their 2020/21 soybeans later than in other parts of the state and as a result, they avoided the problems associated with earlier planted soybeans in the western part of the state. Parana is the second largest soybean producing state in Brazil after Mato Grosso.

In western Parana, the early planted soybeans encountered extended periods of dry weather during October, November, and early December. The dry weather occurred during the pod filling period resulting in lower yields. Ironically, after a dry start to the growing season, the weather in western Parana during January turned excessively wet with rainfall amounts as high as 16 inches for the month. The nearly constant overcast skies during January resulted in further yield loses and poorer quality seed.

Farmers in eastern Parana avoided those problems by planting their soybeans later and the president of the Rural Syndicate of Castro/PR reported to Noticias Agricolas that he feels the average yield in the municipality will surpass the average statewide yield forecasted by the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The early soybean harvest in the municipality has just started and the harvest pace is expected to pick up in late February and early March.

Farmers in the municipality have forward contracted 60 to 70% of their anticipated production with an average price of approximately R$ 120 per sack (approximately $10.30 per bushel). Farmers are expecting to sell the remainder of the production at even higher prices.

Once the soybeans are harvested, farmers will focus their attention on planting a second crop of winter wheat. The climate in eastern Parana is not suitable for a second crop of corn which is the typical second crop in the western and northern parts of Parana.

Deral reported that 3% of the soybeans in Parana had been harvested by earlier this week and that 8% of the safrinha corn had been planted.