Aug 18, 2020

2020/21 Full-Season Corn Planting Underway in Rio Grande do Sul

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil have started to plant their 2020/21 full-season corn. Farmers in the northern part of the state are allowed to start planting their full-season corn as early as August 1st because there is less chance of a late spring frost in the northern part of the state, but they may have been a little too eager to plant their corn.

The Brazilian National Weather Service (Inmet) is forecasting very cold temperatures for southern Brazil later this week with widespread chances of frost. Inmet is even forecasting a chance of snow later this week in southern Brazil. Cold temperatures such as these are very unusual for the second half of August.

In the municipality of Santa Rosa, which is located in the northwestern part of the state, farmers have planted approximately 36% of their anticipated 136,000 hectares of corn. Farmers in the municipality are expecting corn yields in the range of 7,890 kg/ha (125 bu/ac). The soil moisture is good in the state and more rainfall is expected.