Apr 29, 2021

Dry Weather Continues to Take Toll on Safrinha Corn in Parana

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

In a normal year, the state of Parana in southern Brazil is responsible for approximately 16% of Brazil's safrinha corn production, but continued dry weather has already significantly impacted the yield potential of the 2020/21 safrinha corn in Parana.

Statewide, the rainfall for the first 25 days of April was 12 mm (0.5 inches) compared to the average of 90.3 mm (3.6 inches). The situation is even dryer in the municipality of Marechal Candido Rondon, which is located in western Parana, where the last good rain was on March 16th. Since then, the municipality has received only 6 mm of precipitation (0.2 inches).

As a result of the dryness, the condition of the safrinha corn crop in the state of Parana continues to deteriorate. The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) in the State of Parana is now rating the safrinha corn crop at 18% poor, 42% average and 40% good. Fifteen days ago, the percentage of the crop rated good was 92%. The safrinha corn is 1% germinating/emerging, 65% in vegetative development, 10% filling grain, and 2% mature.

According to the Presudent of the Rural Syndicate of Marechal Candido Rondon/PR, the corn that is suffering the most is the 20% of the crop that was planted in February because it is now in its reproductive phase. Losses for the February planted corn is at least 40%. The remaining 80% of the corn was planted in March and it is still in vegetative development. Losses for the March planted corn is estimated at 30% and it could go higher without additional rainfall very soon. The forecast is calling for the next chance of rainfall associated with a cold front moving into the state next week.

Farmers in the municipality have only forward contracted about 10% of their anticipated production due to the uncertainty of the potential production.