Jan 11, 2021

Soy Harvest in Mato Grosso will be 15-20 Days Later Than Normal

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

A few early maturing soybeans have been harvested in the state of Mato Grosso, which is Brazil's largest soybean producing state, but the 2020/21 soybean harvest in the state will generally proceed about 15-20 days later than normal. Dry weather in September and October delayed the soybean planting and slowed the germination and early growth of the crop. Irregular rains thus far during the growing season has further slowed the development of the crop. The main soybean harvest in the state should occur from mid-February until early March.

In comparison, last year, approximately 25% of the state's soybeans were harvested by the end of January. The percentage of the crop harvested by the end of January 2021 will probably be less than 10%. The delayed soybean harvest will also result in a slow start to the soybeans exports from Brazil. Generally, the early soybean exports start leaving Brazil in early February, but this year, they may not start until late February.

The delayed soybean harvest will also delay the planting of the safrinha corn as well. About 50% of Mato Grosso's soybeans are followed by a second crop of corn and the ideal planting window for the corn closes about the third week of February. A significant portion of the safrinha corn this year will be planted after the ideal planting window has closed. If the corn is planted later than normal, there is a higher risk that the crop will run out of moisture before it matures. The summer rainy season in Mato Grosso usually ends in early May.

Even with the delays in planting, farmers in the state are expected to plant all their intended safrinha corn regardless of the timing because of the very strong prices being offered for corn.