Nov 11, 2020

Argentina Planting Slow, Soybeans 4% Planted, Corn 31% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Argentina Soybeans - Many areas of Argentina have been in a moisture deficit since March and the spring rains have been very irregular. The forecast is calling for some rain this week in the southern areas but only light and scattered showers elsewhere in Argentina. This dryer than normal pattern should continue to slow the soybean planting.

The 2020/21 soybeans in Argentina were 4% planted as of late last week comparted to 9% last year and 12.6% average. Most of the planting has occurred in south-central Argentina in the provinces of Buenos Aires and La Pampa where the soil moisture is better.

Argentina Corn - The 2020/21 corn in Argentina was 30.9% planted late last week compared to 43% last year and 38.2% average. This represents an advance of 1.1% for the week. The corn is rated 8% poor, 54% fair, and 38% good to excellent. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 9% short to very short and 91% favorable.

The early phase of corn planting in Argentina usually ends about the end of October, but only 61% of the intended early corn acreage has been planted compared to 70% last year and 74% average. So the question is will farmers in Argentina shift more of their corn to the second phase of planting or will they plant less corn overall. I think they will plant less corn overall, but we won't know that until January when they finish planting the second phase.